
Website performance optimization

Speed does matter. Everyone's happy when the website is loading fast. It keeps your visitors engaged with your website content and helps to convert these visitors to customers.
An image representing website optimization tasks

Optimized website performance doesn’t keep your website visitors to wait for the content. Search engines (Google) are happy when your website is loading fast, without major performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO issues. Your website gets better positioning which results into more traffic, which can result into more clients using your services or buying your product. You, as the website owner, are happy too.

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There are described website performance checklists which help website owners to achieve optimized website performance. All comes down to the technologies used on the website. In the majority of cases, your website uses a layout which is created by front end developers using various code editors, development environments and programming frameworks.

We tried a slightly different approach with our website and tried a website performance optimization plugin – Nitropack. Nitropack is a cloud back platform for the complete speed optimization.

NitroPack has everything visitors need for a fast WordPress website on all devices, like:

  • Advanced Caching
  • Global CDN
  • Image optimization
  • HTML optimization, minification and compression
  • CSS optimization, minification and compression
  • JS optimization, minification and compression
  • Proprietary, world-class speed optimization algorithm.

Our goal was to achieve 90+ points in Google speed score on all of the measured metrics. The results of the optimization process were beyond our expectations.

Google PageSpeed Insight results for the desktop:

Image representing Google Page Speed results for desktop layout

Google PageSpeed Insight results for the mobile:

It doesn’t look bad at all. All these with using a free version of Nitropack. To be fair, our website had decent results before we used the plugin, but not as good as we are getting now.

If you’d like to optimize your website and increase your website traffic, search engine ranking and convert more visitors into your customers start your project with Goodiewebsite. Our development team will be happy to assist.